Author: Audrey Wood
Title: The Napping House
Illustrator: Don Wood
Genre: Picture Book
Subgenre: Rhyming Book
Theme: Something small can have a huge affect on everything else.
Primary and secondary characters: Primary- The Napping House, Granny, child, dog, cat, mouse, and flea.
Award(s) date of publication: None, 1984
Publishing Company: Houghton Mifflin Publishing
Brief Summary and how I would use this book with students: This book is about a house that is napping along with a granny who is snoring, a dreaming child, a dozing dog, a snoozing cat, and a slumber mouse all sleeping in the same cozy bed. Then a tiny flea on the back of the mouse who is a wake bites the mouse. This causes a chain reaction until everyone in the house is awake and to eventually include the napping house. I can use this book in my classroom to talk about the effects that one individual can have on everyone else. This can be used in several different situations. I can use it to talk about misbehaving and how one child behavior can cause the whole classroom to lose certain privileges such as recess time. I can also use this book to talk about how one student can have a huge impact on the world and change view points and even make a difference.
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