Author: Robert Kraus
Title: Leo the Late Bloomer
Illustrator: Jose Aruego
Genre: Picture Book
Subgenre: Development and Learning
Theme: Everyone is unique and individuals learn different things at different paces.
Primary and secondary characters: Primary- Leo the Lion, Leo's Mom and Leo's Dad.
Award(s) date of publication: None, 1991
Publishing Company: HarperCollins Publishers
Brief Summary and how I would use this book with students: Leo the Late Bloomer is about a little lion who cannot read, write, draw, eat neatly, or speak. His father is worried about him and asks his mother if she thinks something is wrong with Leo. His mother says no that Leo is just a late bloomer. Finally, one day Leo blooms. He can now read, write, draw, eat neatly and speak. He tells his mom and dad that "He did it!". This book could be used in my class room to talk about how everyone in the class is different. Some students may be good at one thing such as drawing while another student may be good at drawing. I could continue by stating that everyone blooms at a different time and at their own pace and that some students may gain knowledge on some concepts faster than others. This does not make those individuals superior to their fellow classmates it just means that they may have bloomed earlier. This goes along with the idea that students are very diverse and that there are multiple intelligences in a single classroom.
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