Title: A Jugsaw Jones Mystery- The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster
Illustrator: R.W. Alley
Genre: Chapter Book
Subgenre: Mystery
Theme: Things are not always what they seem.
Primary and secondary characters: Primary- Jigsaw Secondary- Wingnut and Mila.
Award(s) date of publication: 1998
Publishing Company: Scholastic Inc.Brief Summary and how I would use this book with students: This book is about a second grade boy who goes by the name of Jigsaw. He is a detective who charges a dollar a day. His partners name is Mila and he pays her fifty cents a day. A boy they call Wingnut can not find his pet hamster. Jigsaw and Mila try to solve the case. Everytime they think they have solved it, their predictions are wrong. Once they finally solve the case of the missing hamster they realize that things are not always the way they seem. I could use this book to teach my students not to judge others based on assumptions because sometimes they could be misleading.